America’s Premier Competitive Power Company
... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future


Calpine Debt Registration

Thank you for your interest in Calpine.

Access to our Debt Investor Information is restricted to the company’s current and prospective investors, as well as certain securities analysts.  By registering for access to this information, you acknowledge that you meet the criteria set out in our terms and conditions.

To register, please submit the form below after completing all required fields and acknowledging that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions. The information you provide will be reviewed, and you will receive an email from Calpine regarding your registration status.

Account Registration

*Note: Membership to this site is private. Once your account information has been submitted, the Site Administrator will be notified and your application will be subjected to a screening procedure. If your application is authorized, you will receive notification that you can access the site. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required. (Note: - Registration may take several seconds. Once you click the Register button please wait until the system responds.)

Enter a first name
Enter a Last Name
Enter a valid email address.
Enter your password.
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Enter a telephone number