America’s Premier Competitive Power Company ... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future
Operating our geographically diverse power plant fleet to the highest standards of safety, reliability and efficiency lies at the heart of Calpine’s company mission. Maintaining this unwavering focus on operational excellence benefits our employees, our customers and our communities. At our plants, this means putting safety first at all times while keeping forced outage factors low and starting reliability high. For our Commercial Operations teams, it means maximizing the value of the power our plants produce while efficiently and economically dispatching generation assets to flexibly meet our customers’ needs. For our origination teams, it means forming customer relationships that enhance the value of our power plants, including securing long-term contracts for power, capacity and ancillary services. And for our development teams, it means identifying opportunities for fiscally disciplined growth through acquisition, construction or expansion.
Power Operations
More than 1,400 employees across the nation help make Calpine’s clean, modern, efficient and flexible power plant fleet among the most reliable and productive in the nation.
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Environmental Responsibility
Calpine is one of America’s largest generators of electricity and one of the cleanest. Our fleet predominantly consists of modern, efficient power plants that run on clean natural gas.
Safety is a core value at Calpine. Our culture is built on the belief that by putting safety first, we can eliminate workplace accidents.
Calpine’s natural gas-fired and geothermal power plants use advanced technologies to generate power in a low-carbon and environmentally responsible manner.
Commercial Operations
Calpine’s Commercial Operations team applies specialized trading and market knowledge to maximize the value of our power plant fleet.
Calpine is helping the nation meet its clean energy goals by developing, constructing, owning and operating natural gas-fired and renewable generation assets that use advanced technologies to generate power in a low-carbon and environmentally responsible manner.