Calpine’s Centralized Accounts Payable accepts invoices submitted electronically or physically. Please use only one of these methods as described below (do not submit duplicate invoices).
Invoices must include the following, regardless of submission method:
- Site Mail Stop, which will be provided on the purchase order (PO)*
- PO Number (If you include an incorrect or old PO number, payment will be delayed)*
- Invoice number
- Invoice date
*For non-PO transactions, reference the Calpine contact name for the transaction.
Electronic Submission (this is Calpine’s preferred method)
Email invoices to by following these steps:
- Send only one invoice per email (the automated scanning system will not process multiple invoices in one email)
- All backup documents should be included in the invoice email
- Submit documentation using .tif or .pdf file formats – black only
Physical Submission
Mail paper invoices straight to Centralized Accounts Payable at:
Calpine Corporation
P.O. Box 2728
Mailstop: (as indicated on the PO)
Houston, TX 77252-2728
If you have any questions concerning Calpine’s Accounts Payable process or any other payables-related issues, please contact us at