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Crisfield Energy Center

The Crisfield Energy Center is a small facility that comprises four diesel units with the capacity to produce 10 MW of electricity.  These units began commercial operation in 1968.  Calpine acquired Crisfield in 2010 as part of its purchase of the Conectiv Energy assets.

These units are black-start capable, meaning that in an emergency if the whole grid system goes down (causing a blackout), these self-sufficient units can be used to bring the system back online.  These units can be started without needing a feed from a larger unit and, in turn, can feed the power needed by larger units to restart after a blackout.

These units are also end-of-the-line units, meaning that if the main transmission line that normally supplies power to southern tip of the Delmarva Peninsula goes down, these units will automatically come online and meet the area’s need for power.  The output of the units can be adjusted as needed.

Location:Crisfield, MD
Commercial Operation Date:January 1968
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):0 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):10 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Oil, simple-cycle
Turbines:Four General Motors diesel engines