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... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future


Granite Ridge Energy Center

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Located in Londonderry, New Hampshire, the Granite Ridge Energy Center is a modern and flexible power plant serving ISO-New England, one of the nation’s leading wholesale power markets. 

Operating on clean-burning natural gas, Granite Ridge is a highly efficient combined-cycle facility that uses advanced technology to integrate combustion and steam turbines.  It generates electricity first via two electricity-producing natural gas turbines.  Then two heat recovery steam generators use heat from that process to create steam that drives one steam turbine.  This highly fuel-efficient approach enables the plant to consume 30 percent less natural gas per megawatt-hour-produced than older technology plants, making it a cost-effective and low-carbon source of electricity.

Location:Londonderry, NH
Commercial Operation Date:March 2003
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):745 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):695 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Natural gas-fired, combined-cycle
Turbines:Siemens 501G