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... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future


Stony Brook Power Plant

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The Stony Brook Power Plant is a highly efficient cogeneration facility located in Stony Brook, New York.  One combustion turbine is connected to one heat recovery steam generator.  The indoor plant features a dual-fuel gas turbine and heat recovery steam generator duct burner firing.

Electricity and steam are sold to the State University of New York at Stony Brook under a long-term sales agreement.  Excess electric power is sold to the New York Independent System Operator.

Calpine owns and operates four other power plants on Long Island – the 56-megawatt Bethpage Power Plant, the 48-megawatt Bethpage Peaker, the 80-megawatt Bethpage Energy Center 3 and the 121-megawatt cogeneration unit located at Kennedy International Airport.

Location:Stony Brook, NY
Commercial Operation Date:April 1995
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):45 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):47 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Natural gas-fired, simple-cycle cogeneration
Turbines:GE combustion
NERC Region: