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Christiana Energy Center

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The Christiana Energy Center consists of two simple-cycle combustion turbines powered by low-sulfur diesel. The units are black-start capable, meaning that in an emergency if the whole grid system goes down (causing a blackout), the self-sufficient units can be used to bring the system back online.  The units can be started without needing a feed from a larger unit and, in turn, can feed the power needed by larger units to restart after a blackout.

Calpine acquired Christiana 2010 as part of its purchase of the Conectiv Energy assets.
Location:Wilmington, DE
Commercial Operation Date:January 1973
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):0 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):53 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Oil, simple-cycle
Turbines:Two General Electric Frame 5