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Edge Moor Energy Center

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When the first two units were brought online in 1951, Edge Moor was the first major steam station in the Delmarva Power & Light electrical system.  Those units have since been retired.  Currently in operation are units 3, 4, 5 and 10.  Unit 3 began commercial operation in 1954, Unit 10 in 1963, Unit 4 in 1966, and Unit 5 in 1973. 

When Calpine acquired the 725 MW facility in 2010 as part of its purchase of the Conectiv Energy assets, the company discontinued burning coal at the site.  Calpine’s decision to run Edge Moor primarily using natural gas is in keeping with its corporate philosophy to produce power in an environmentally sensitive fashion.  Currently, the plant uses state-of-the-art technologies, installed in early 2009, to control emissions.

Unit 10 is a combustion turbine unit that uses low-sulfur diesel and is black-start capable, meaning that in an emergency if the whole grid system goes down (causing a blackout), the self-sufficient unit can be used to bring the system back online.  The unit can be started without needing a feed from a larger unit and, in turn, can feed the power needed by larger units to restart after a blackout.
Location:Wilmington, DE
Commercial Operation Date:January 1965
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):0 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):725 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Natural gas-fired/oil, simple-cycle
Turbines:Two General Electric ST, one Westinghouse ST, one TP&M FT-4A-5